Wednesday 22 August 2012

Kay Lenz - "Fast-Walking" - 1982

Fast-Walking is a 1982 movie based on Ernest Brawley's 1974 novel The Rap . . . . . It was shot, in part, on location at the Old Montana Territorial Prison in Deer Lodge, which provides a terrific backdrop to the action. . . . . . . "Fast-Walking" Miniver (James Woods) is a dope-smoking guard in an Oregon prison who helps the local madam get customers for her brothel. Miniver is always looking for something that will allow him to quit his stressful job, and he thinks it may have come in the form of William Galliot, an African-American political activist who has been imprisoned. Galliot offers Miniver fifty-thousand dollars to help him escape, however, the plan becomes complicated when Miniver learns that his cousin Wasco wants his help in killing Galliot. . . . . . . . .Here Kay Lenz playing the part of Moke, gets a wash down from Miniver..

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